Why you need a landing page to grow your business today

A lot of beginner bloggers underestimate the importance of a landing page. A landing page is a webpage that is shown to someone when they click on your ad link. A landing page is different from a website. It has very few things to show like it does not necessarily show you homepage or about page. It just shows reward, some necessary information and call to action in most of the cases.

Why you need landing pages

A lot of people who post ads just redirect them to their own store or blog. It takes the people to their website where they can see a lot of other things to do. Suppose the ad was about buying footwear but after reaching your website, they could see there is an option of buying shorts as well. All these features confuse people and a confused mind never buys.

People must have a clear idea of what they are supposed to do when they click on your ad link. That’s why you need to have a landing page.

How to use a landing page to grow your business

The main function of a landing page is to get the personal details of your lead. It must contain a little information with a call to action button. It will leave no room for confusion. Offer a reward to people when they enter their information like something for free or a good discount.

You can get more people’s emails by using this simple method.

Keep working on SEO

On the other hand, keep working on SEO to generate more and more traffic by increasing your Web ranking[อันดับ เว็บ, which is the term in Thai]. The more traffic you get the more the chances for you to convert them.

Just build yourself a landing page and gather people’s emails. Email marketing would do the rest of the job for you.

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