Press Release Distribution:  How Small Business Owners Can Boost Exposure in Covid-19 Era


Boosting Business Value by Reducing COVID-19 Transmission Risk

Press release distribution services is an age long marketing tool in the hands of most companies, ranging from the Fortune 500 companies to SMEs. In the past everything went through newswires, but with the advent of the digital age, the press release distribution game has changed massively.

For business owners who are used to hiring press release distribution services, the strategy is not a strange one. Press releases are used traditionally push out news and announcements.

When To Use Press Release Distribution Services

Press release distribution services can be used to send out new product launches, event announcement, new CEO announcement, book launch and any other thing deemed newsworthy. This is also a good time to keep a good promotional product idea like Personalized Styrofoam Cups to be used during every event highlighted in the press release. The first step is to get the press release idea, hire a press release writer, approve the press release copy and submit for distribution. 

Doing a press release has a strong way of boosting customer confidence in a brand as most big brands do it and over time this has created a perception about what big brands do. If all big brands issue press release consistently doing so makes an “Under dog” look like they are serious about their business.

Trust is a key factor is sales, conversion and the sustainability of a business. If client’s confidence is high about your business then you can be sure that they are likely going to transact business with you and this means higher conversion for every dollar spent in marketing, branding and operational processes.

Should Small Businesses Do New Employment Press Releases?

Most small businesses do not do this, but it can be a great win and separator especially for local businesses. If a Plumber for example does a press release on hiring a new customer support service expert, you might think this is not a big deal, but then it might send a strong signal of seriousness to a client searching about the business and getting to see the news online. 

If your business is the only one doing this out of other 20 businesses researched by the potential client, then you have something standing out for you.

What are the best press release distribution services out there?

There is quiet a number of press release distribution service providers. NewswireJet is one of the best press release distribution services rated highly for their wide distribution and customer support.

The company has over the years proven that they care about small businesses by simplifying the process and delivering far above the industry standard in price-to-price comparism. NewswireJet has an easy-to-use distribution system and affordable pricing is at the core of what makes them different.

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