Now Getting the Same Day Loans Is Not Hard
Feeling a need for quick credit is always a stressful and even worrying feeling. For getting urgent credit, we are going to go over the fastest methods to get the money in the shortest time. But whatever the need, it is important to check the legal rate, before committing and subscribing to an urgent credit. You can visit this website and have all the details there.
Legal Deadlines for Urgent Credit
The law of consumer credit clearly indicates that the provision of money can only take place 7 days after the date of signature of the credit offer, urgent credit or not. And on the other hand, you have a withdrawal period of 14 calendar days from the final acceptance by the credit institution.
So as quickly as possible, it will take you a week to receive the money from the signing of your credit agreement. But to obtain a fast credit online, it is still necessary to count the time to review your contract upstream, the time to gather all the supporting documents, the time for the complete file to arrive at the credit organization and finally the while your money is transferred to your account.
Even for an urgent credit and for which you will follow our advice to save time, in the best case, you will take ten days to get the money in your account. This is what to count for a new emergency loan request. As we will see in the rest of the article, if you already have a revolving credit, it is possible to get the money much faster.
For store loans and major brands’ credit cards, it is possible to obtain immediate credit. The brands play on the fact that the money is not made available to the customer but to the store and thus the purchase can be made on credit the same day of its subscription. However, it is not possible to get money into your account.
Urgent Credit: Save Time on Demand
The first step in an urgent credit application is to submit an application by completing an online credit questionnaire. To get the best rate, normally you would need to shop around for banks and credit agencies. Fill out a questionnaire only for the best credit rate.
Build Your File As Quickly As Possible
You can therefore save 3 to 4 days on your urgent credit request by preparing your supporting documents in advance. Once you have completed an urgent online credit questionnaire and are pre-accepted, do not wait to receive your credit report without doing anything. On the same day, you can collect the necessary supporting documents for your urgent credit request:
- Photocopy of a valid identity document
- Photocopy of proof of address less than 3 months old
- Bank details
- Photocopy of the last payslip
- Photocopy of the tax notice
- Photocopy of the last bank statement
A proof without rapid credit is impossible to find. The only way to benefit from an urgent loan without proof is to already have a revolving credit open. Otherwise, to save time by directly printing the credit agreement which can be made available to you via the website of the credit organization (you will have received a password by email). If you decide to print the contract directly at home, consider loading the printer with sheets, the contract can be between 30 and 40 pages long. Printing your contract and preparing your supporting documents saves several days.