11 Innovations That Made the World a Better Place

Imagine what the world would have been like if the brilliant minds throughout history did nothing with their ideas and creativity. What would our life be if no one was brave enough to put his or her name or reputation on the line to turn an outrageous or outlandish idea into reality?

A lot of inventors and innovators were initially mocked and ridiculed for their far-out ideas but that did not deter them from pushing forward with their vision. In the end, we only have them to thank for the modern conveniences we have today.

There have been thousands of inventions throughout history but these eleven innovations have helped change the course of mankind’s history for the better.

  1. Steam Engine
    Almost all forms of transportation use external combustion to make them run. It was first used in 1698 to power a water pump. That innovation was then perfected by James Watt in the late 1700s into what we now know as the steam engine. Without its invention, engine-powered transportation would not have existed.
  1. Antibiotics
    Before the invention of antibiotics, medical practitioners faced nearly impossible challenges especially in containing outbreaks and epidemics. Before Alexander Flemingaccidentally discovered penicillin, doctors used antiseptics to contain and cure diseases. The downside of antiseptics is it also kills human cells alongside bacteria.
  1. Telegraph
    Communication is essential among human beings, whether it’s in-person or long-distance. The invention of the telegraph has allowed people far from each other to maintain their line of communication. It has helped strengthen relationships across the world and was the predecessor of all types of digital communication we have nowadays.
  1. Transistors
    If you’ve ever been to an Android or iPhone repair shop, you’ve probably already seen what transistors are. These are widely unappreciated as an invention but they are very important components in any electronic and digital device. Without them, modern-day technology would not have existed.
  1. Magnifying Lens
    Just like transistors, a magnifying lens is another piece of innovation that is very much underappreciated. Without it, telescopes and microscopes would not have been invented and we would not have been able to discover and unlock the secrets of the universe.
  1. Horse Domestication
    Okay, so technically this isn’t really an innovation per se but since the time that the first person was able to tame and domesticate a horse, it has proven to be one of the best things to ever happen to mankind. Horses are strong animals that have been one of mankind’s helpers around their domicile. Their strength has helped travelers and caravans move from place to place to trade goods. They have helped empires win wars and conquests. They have also helped on the agricultural side.
  1. Electric Light
    We would still be living in darkness if it weren’t for electric lights. While we generally take them for granted during the day, all it takes is a power outage to remind us of how important this piece of item is.
  1. Steel
    Perhaps one of the most important innovations ever made is the fabrication of steel. While stone, iron, and bronze all served their purpose, it is the invention of steel that paved the way for the modern age. The Industrial Revolutionnot only provided millions of people employment but it became one of the world’s strongest and frequently-used materials for manufacturing and building.
  1. Paper Currency
    Money has been around for millennia and has taken on different forms. Precious metals, coins, raw materials, and livestock made the trading of goods possible and eventually evolved to what we have now. However, purchasing items would have been different if we still bartered goods and services and not paper notes. Its invention was brought about by the frequent shortage of coins. Banks started issuing paper notes as a substitute. The switch to paper money revolutionized the way we do business and economics globally.
  1. Compass
    Although compasses are no longer widely used today because of satellites and GPS, magnetic compasses played a major role throughout history. It was the primary navigational tool used by explorers and mariners. It allowed them to traverse oceans that paved the way for the Age of Explorationthat gave Europe its wealth and power.
  1. Printing Press
    Nowadays, we have the internet to thank for the vast knowledge and information readily available to us. But prior to its invention, people turned to books and other printed media for education, information, and enlightenment. This would not have been possible apart from the invention of the modern-day printing press around 1440.

Ultimately, if innovations never took place, we’d probably still be living in prehistoric times. We’ve come a long way since man discovered fire and with the way science and research are going now, we have a lot of great and awesome inventions that may probably be beyond what we can think of or imagine now.

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